Workers On Wheels Newsletter #1071 ~ March 20, 2016

Published: Sun, 03/20/16

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Workers On Wheels Newsletter #1071 ~ March 20, 2016 
Read this issue on the website.

Workers On Wheels: Work For RVers and Campers website.

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Update from Your RV Workers On Wheels Newsletter Editor

Bob's been testing out the merchandise. It's part of the job, you know. After all, how can we expect other people to buy his hand tied fishing flies if he doesn't prove that they catch fish? So, he's been fishing. The picture shows some of the salt-water sheepshead he caught here in Port Isabel.

Meanwhile, I've been giving the Workers On Wheels website a new look. It's not done, yet, but you should be able to see the changes.

Speaking of changes, we're making some changes to the Help Wanted ads. They should now be easier for you to use. We're making the links to employers' websites clickable. And, for those that include email addresses, you'll now be able to open a pre-addressed email with a single click. You may have already noticed we're noting in the headline when jobs come with pay. You'll also start seeing more dates and designations indicating jobs for couples. We aren't going back and making the updates on previously posted ads. But, you should see those improvements on ads going forward.

We plan on again doing a mid-week issue with the some of the newest job postings.

In between newsletters, you can find announcements, website updates, and the newest job postings here.

Wherever you are in your work and travels, we wish you joy and prosperity,


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Coleen Recommends
These are businesses that Bob and I work, that I personally know to be worthwhile. The products are excellent. The companies are great to work with and are in the USA. The support and training is exceptional.

JR Watkins Sales - If you want to sell time-tested and earth-friendly products, look at Watkins. It is a flexible business. You can do catalog sharing, co-op orders, parties, fairs, flea markets, craft shows, etc. The cost to start is only $19.95 -- and when enroll this month, you get a $20.00 gift certificate. Find out more.

Jerky Direct - Join our Jerky Direct team and receive a free bag of natural jerky with your training, because the best way to sell the jerky is to taste it. There is no sign up fee to become a distributor. More into here.

One Minute Business - In additional to your regular commissions and bonuses, you can get a free, all expenses paid luxury trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Simple, 2-steps. Uses social media. Details here.    

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Help Wanted Ads - Current Job Openings for RVers

For the Help Wanted ads we posted so far this month -- March -- click here.

This will take you to the jobs posted in February.

You can also find archives of jobs listed in previous months.

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Tying Fishing Flies - Fun, Profitable, and the Right Fit for an RV

I didn't start tying fishing flies to sell them. One day I was fishing, and catching fish. Others around me weren’t. Now I sell them at flea markets, to individuals, and in our secondhand store.

Read the rest of Bob's article on how he learned, what materials he uses, and how it fits in with our RVing work and travels on the website.  

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Ways RVers Make Money

Here's a sampling of work RVers are doing to cut their expenses, earn a living, and pay for their travels.

~ Performers agent
~ Pet spa owner
~ Equipment operator
~ Resort housekeeping supervisor
~ Make and sell personalized cloth storybooks

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Did You Miss the Last Workers On Wheels Newsletter?

Find it here.

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Working RVer Tip - Read Related Books

What kind of work would you like to do? Read a book about it. It could be -- but doesn't need to be -- a book written to tell you how to get started with a certain job or profession. Instead, it could be one written by someone doing that job, written as advice to consumers.

An example of this would be a book a professional organizer wrote telling how to organize a home office. Read with a new perspective, it could teach you much about the organizer's job.

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Work Wanted Ads and Resumes

RVers Seeking Work: Post your full resume on the Workers On Wheels website. There's no charge to you.

Employers, Business Owners, and Volunteer Coordinators: Find RVers looking for work

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Working RVer Tip - Believe In Your Ability to Learn

Have confidence that you can master new skills.

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Facebook Friends and Fans

Workers On Wheels now has an official Facebook page.

If you'd like more personal updates and quotes that I post, send me a friend request.

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Something to Think About

The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it. ~ Peter Medawar

There is nothing wrong with being a follower, as long as it is your conscience that is doing the leading. ~ Richard C. Miller

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If a friend did forward this to you, and if you like what you read, sign up for your own subscription. It is FREE. 

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Affiliate Disclaimer: One of the reasons we are able to provide you full access to the job listings, this newsletter, and the entire Workers On Wheels website without charging you for it is because we receive affiliate commissions and advertising fees. Website or e-zine links may go to these third parties.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise provide the addresses of our newsletter subscribers or web site visitors to others.

Coleen Sykora, Editor/Publisher
35555 Spur Hwy #281
Soldotna, AK 99669

(c) 2016 All Rights reserved

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