Workers On Wheels Newsletter #1119 ~ January 1, 2017

Published: Sun, 01/01/17

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Workers On Wheels Newsletter #1119 ~ January 1, 2017

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Update from Your RV Workers On Wheels Newsletter Editor

Bob and I are still in Park Center RV Park in Port Isabel, Texas. For today. Someone else has reservations for this site, so unless there are cancellations, we are moving soon. We'll decide where we are moving to when the time comes to move.

We think of you, our newsletter readers and website visitors, for being part of our lives. Through online communications and personal correspondence, you've come to be friends, as well as fellow RVers. We hope you had a blessed Christmas. May 2017 be your best year, yet, filled with all that is good. Happy New Year!

Wherever you are in your work and travels, we wish you joy and prosperity,


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JR Watkins - A Location Independent Business for RVers

Start the New Year with a gift to yourself. Start a business you can do from home, whether that's in a sticks-and-bricks or an RV. You get free, personalized websites to work the business online. Watkins will drop-ship products to your customers. No territories. No monthly minimums. No monthly fees. See the product catalog and learn more.

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Help Wanted Ads - Current Job Openings for RVers

For the Help Wanted ads we posted so far this month -- December -- click here.

This will take you to the jobs posted in November.

You can also find archives of jobs listed in previous months.

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Working RVer Tip - Use Our On-Site Search Tool

With over 650 pages on the Workers On Wheels website, it can sometimes be hard to find exactly what you are looking for. Let our on-site Site Search help you.

Looking for a listing for a particular campground? Wondering where, exactly, we talk about working in Alaska or some other state? Remember reading an article about a particular job, but now can't find it? Want to know if we have any worker profiles or information about working with a circus?

Put your key word or phrase in the search box, just as you would a regular search engine. The difference is that this one searches deep within the Workers On Wheels site and brings you back matches on our sites.

Search Workers On Wheels website.

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Turning Your Hobby Into a Business Can Make (or Save) You Money While RVing

Converting your current hobby (or finding a new one) into a business that you do while RVing can save you -- or earn you -- a significant sum. CPA Shenkman explains why and how.

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Ways RVers Make Money

Here's a sampling of work RVers are doing to cut their expenses, earn a living, and pay for their travels.

~ Tour sales agent
~ Singer - solo
~ Sell at craft shows
~ Work the ND potato harvest
~ Teach t-shirt design classes

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One Minute Business

Build a residual, long-term income. Leverage your time and your efforts. No product sales required. Personalized websites are included -- there are no monthly charges for them.
Details here.    

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Working RVer Tip -- Tourist Industry Job Perks

In many tourist industry jobs and service jobs, the amount you make in tips can surpass what you make in hourly wages. Add to that the value of free and reduced price admissions to attractions in the area, plus discounts at local restaurants. If you live on site and don't have to pay rent or utilities, that's another plus. All together, even at minimum wage, jobs that include tips can be quite lucrative.

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Did You Miss the Last Workers On Wheels Newsletter?

Read it here.

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Employers and Volunteer Organizers - Post Help Wanted Ads

Submit your Help Wanted ads to Workers On Wheels. Please use the web form - click here.

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Working RVer Tip -- Maintenance or Cleaning?

Maintenance or janitorial? Maintenance is keeping equipment in operating order, and in some cases, restoring it to operating order. Janitorial work is cleaning. I see that both employers and employees get these terms confused. If it matters to you which you do, ask for clarification.
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Want to Know More About Our Personal RV Travels?

Subscribe to our RV Life and Travel E-zine. There's no cost. Sign up on our website.

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Earn Your Living with a Blog or Website

A blog or website is yet another way to earn a living without being tied to one location. Your blog can be about most anything. Picking a topic that you enjoy can make it seem more like fun than work. Still, you have to figure out a way to make money with it. SBI! helps with everything from choosing a domain name to handling the technical side of things to figuring out how to actually make a profit. Save 33% until noon January 6th.

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Questions and Answers about Working While RVing

Search our Workers On Wheels website data base of questions, with answers provided by RVers who actually have experience working while RVing.

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Work Wanted Ads and Resumes

RVers Seeking Work: Post your full resume on the Workers On Wheels website. There's no charge to you. Submit your Work Wanted or resume.

Employers, Business Owners, and Volunteer Coordinators: Find RVers looking for work. There's no cost to you for this service. Work Wanted ads and worker resumes.

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Facebook Friends and Fans

Workers On Wheels now has an official Facebook page.

If you'd like more personal updates and quotes that I post, send me a friend request.

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RVers Can Be Property Caretakers and Housesitters!

There are empty homes in every state and country, and property owners are looking for trustworthy people to take care of their properties. The Caretaker Gazette contains property caretaking/housesitting openings in all 50 states and foreign countries. Many of our RVers park their rig in the homeowner's driveway or backyard, and either stay in their RV or enjoy living in a nice home. Published since 1983, subscribers receive 1,000+ property caretaking and housesitting opportunities each year, worldwide. Some of these caretaking and housesitting openings also offer compensation in addition to the free housing provided. Short, medium and long-term property caretaking assignments are in every issue. Online subscriptions: $29.95/year. The Caretaker Gazette, ​2503 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Austin, TX 78702. ​(206) 462-1818. The Caretaker Gazette is published by Gary Dunn.

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Something to Think About

Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold. ~ Author Unknown

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. ~ Bill Gates

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If you like this e-zine, please do a friend a big favor and pass it forward.

If a friend did forward this to you, and if you like what you read, sign up for your own subscription. It is F R E E.

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Affiliate Disclaimer: One of the reasons we are able to provide you full access to the job listings, this newsletter, and the entire Workers On Wheels website without charging you for it is because we receive affiliate commissions and advertising fees. Website or e-zine links may go to these third parties.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise provide the addresses of our newsletter subscribers or web site visitors to others.

Coleen Sykora, Editor/Publisher
35555 Spur Hwy #281
Soldotna, AK 99669

(c) 2016 All Rights reserved

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