Workers On Wheels Newsletter #1009 ~ August 9, 2015

Published: Sun, 08/09/15

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Workers On Wheels Newsletter # ~ August 9, 2015 
Read this issue on the website.

Workers On Wheels: Work For RVers and Campers website.

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Update from Your RV Workers On Wheels Newsletter Editor

"What do you do?" "Does your husband have a job?" "Are you retired?" Questions on a topic run in spurts. Most recently, it's people asking us what we do for a living. Specifically, website visitors and RVers are asking if we have jobs or if we work.

It's funny in a way, because the people who ask are often our customers. One of the people who asked me this was standing in our store buying Watkins products from me at the time. Another who asked had been reading our Workers On Wheels website and was inquiring about the buffalo jerky he saw advertised there. Another was waiting for Bob to fix his camper door lock. Folks, these are the things we do for a living!

I have an online website business that includes this newsletter and others. I also write – and sell – magazine articles. Bob does all sorts of mechanical and handyman things. Together, we buy and sell used merchandise (and sort, clean, fix, price, and market it). We also sell Watkins products and Jerky Direct meat snacks, and coach our teams distributor teams. And, although we seldom mention it, we sell our own artistic creations, too.

You just have to love a lifestyle that gives you work you enjoy doing. It's great to have jobs that are so natural that people don't even realize you are doing them, even when they are standing right in the middle of them.

I sincerely hope that you find work that is a natural match for you.

Wherever you are in your work and travels, we wish you joy and prosperity,


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Working RVer Tip - Finding Campgrounds the Hire RVers

When you see the people who are working the check-in desk, cleaning the shower house, mowing the lawn, leading the craft classes, or otherwise doing things around the park, just ask them if they also are staying in the campground. If they are, you'll know you've found a park that offers jobs to RVers. When you are visiting with them, you can also ask them where they came from, what park they worked at last, and where they plan to go when they finish this job.

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The One Minute Business
If you know the advantages to having your own business -- but you don't want to lug around a bunch of products, you don't want to set-up at craft shows, you don't want something that commits you to working on a set schedule, you want to work for your site at a campground and therefore don't have a lot of time to spend on a business -- this is for you. It's a new way of doing business with an old, stable, highly reputable company behind it To find out about this month's special, visit my One Minute Business website

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A Few of the Current Job Openings for RVers

We list here just a few of the newest Help Wanted ad titles, to give you an idea of what kind of work is available. We have hundreds of job openings posted on the Workers On Wheels website -- full job listings, complete with the contact information that you need to apply for them. To see all the Help Wanted ads, follow the links below to the monthly job pages.

To find these job postings, along with all of the other Help Wanted ads that were posted so far this month -- August -- click here.

To see the jobs posted last month, June, go to our Workers On Wheels website.

You can also find archives of jobs listed in previous months.

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Ways RVers Make Money

Here's a sampling of work RVers are doing to cut their expenses, earn a living, and pay for their travels.

~ Day boat crew
~ Contract newsletter writing
~ Theme park straw broom maker
~ Rebuild boilers in power plants
~ Museum gift store clerk

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Did You Miss the Last Workers On Wheels Newsletter?

Find it here.

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Working RVer Tip - Begin Before You Become an Expert

You can start before you are an expert. Perfectionism can paralyze you. If there's a career or job that you want to do, go for it. You can entertain at RV parks without having a song hit number one on the charts. You can teach a writing class before your novel makes the best seller's list. You can act in historical reenactments even if you've never won an Oscar. And, you can make money doing it. You don't need to be an expert -- you only need to be reasonably good.

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Work Wanted Ads and Resumes

RVers Seeking Work: Post your full resume on the Workers On Wheels website. There's no charge to you.

Employers, Business Owners, and Volunteer Coordinators: Find RVers looking for work There's no cost to you for this service.

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Working RVer Tip - There's a Difference between "Ideal" and "Required"

A job description may read, "Ideal candidate will…." And that is exactly what it means: the "ideal." That doesn't say that the person they hire will meet those qualifications or possess those exact characteristics. If you can do the job, and want the job, apply for it. You may find that your qualifications are acceptable, even if they aren't precisely the "ideal" ones listed. "Ideal" means there is some room for negotiation.

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Facebook Friends and Fans

Workers On Wheels now has an official Facebook page.

If you'd like more personal updates and quotes that I post, send me a friend request.

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Navigating the Workers On Wheels Website

Here are links to some of the popular sections on the WOW website:

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The Jerky Business that Lets You Be Location Independent

Campground jobs are convenient, if you want to stay in one place for a month or longer. But, if your desire is to be truly nomadic and to move frequently, you need something else. One location independent way to earn a living is to join me in Jerky Direct. Our training is specific, practical, and RVer tested. No sign-up fee. The only thing you pay for is the jerky you purchase. More into here.

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Positive RVing Attitudes

Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming. ~ Will Smith

You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live. ~ George Bernard Shaw

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If a friend did forward this to you, and if you like what you read, sign up for your own subscription. It is FREE. 

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Affiliate Disclaimer: One of the reasons we are able to provide you full access to the job listings, this newsletter, and the entire Workers On Wheels website without charging you for it is because we receive affiliate commissions and advertising fees. Website or e-zine links may go to these third parties.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise provide the addresses of our newsletter subscribers or web site visitors to others.

Coleen Sykora, Editor/Publisher
35555 Spur Hwy #281
Soldotna, AK 99669

(c) 2015 All Rights reserved

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