Workers On Wheels Newsletter #973 ~ April 5, 2015

Published: Sun, 04/05/15

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Workers On Wheels Newsletter # ~ J, 2015 
Read this issue on the website.

Workers On Wheels: Work For RVers and Campers website.

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Update from Your RV Workers On Wheels Newsletter Editor

Have you taken time to poke around on the Workers On Wheels website lately? There's a great deal more than the Help Wanted ads. You'll find info about working with temp service agencies. There's a sections on working as a show vendor. There are articles about working at tourist attractions, about self-employment, and about doing property caretaking. There's a volunteer work section. You'll also find articles about taxes, an excellent mail service, working with kids in tow, and help for writing your resume. There's a huge question and answer section. For fun and encouragement, read the stories other working RVers share about their work and travel. And, there's more.​

Remember, in between newsletters, you can find the newest job postings here.

Wherever you are in your work and travels, we wish you joy and prosperity,


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Working RVer Tip

If you are getting ready to start full-time RVing and working on the road, you might do a test run with a work position close to your present home. If you are uncertain about how things will go, this gives you a chance to get some full-time RV living experience, without the unknowns of a new area, such as finding an RV dealer for last minute modifications.

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Coleen Recommends
These are businesses that Bob and I work, that I personally know to be worthwhile. The products are excellent. The companies are great to work with and are in the USA. The support and training is exceptional.
Jerky Direct - No sign-up fee. More into here.
JR Watkins - Start-up fee is $19.95.  Details here.

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A Few of the Current Job Openings for RVers

Here are some -- NOT ALL -- of the most recently listed job openings. What you see here are just a few of those that we have listed on the website. Go to the Workers On Wheels website to see the full job listings -- including the contact information -- for hundreds of positions.

To find these job postings, along with all of the other Help Wanted ads that were posted so far this month -- April -- click here

To see the jobs posted last month, March, go to our Workers On Wheels website.

You can also find archives of jobs listed in previous months.

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Ways RVers Make Money

Here's a sampling of work RVers are doing to cut their expenses, earn a living, and pay for their travels.

~ Bakery donut fryer
~ Corn or hay maze attendant 
~ Design websites for RV parks
~ Greenhouse employee
~ Hymn leader at RV resorts

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Did You Miss the Last Workers On Wheels Newsletter?

Find it here.

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Working RVer Tip

Modify your rig to make it more suitable for the work you are doing. You might add accessories that make your job easier, as well as remodeling. For instance, we added a solar system so we can comfortably park and work at flea markets and caretaking properties where they don't have electrical hook-ups. We also removed the couch, and built in a computer desk that space

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Work Wanted Ads and Resumes

RVers Seeking Work: Post your full resume on the Workers On Wheels website. There's no charge to you.

Employers, Business Owners, and Volunteer Coordinators: Find RVers looking for work There's no cost to you for this service.

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RV Life and Travel E-zine #504

The RV Life and Travel E-zine is the one I do about our travels and life as RVers. It isn't about work. It's the fun stuff. It's about the places we go; the things we see; the campgrounds we stay at; and how we feel about living in an RV. Along with that are a few technical articles about RVs. The current issue features Port Mansfield, Texas. You can read it here

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Working RVer Tip

When preparing your job resume and cover letter, stress your training, skills, experiences, and achievements that relate to the job. Prospective employers don't need the details about the intelligence of your grandbabies or the cuteness of your dog. They do need to know why they should hire you.

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Facebook Friends and Fans

Workers On Wheels now has an official Facebook page.

If you'd like more personal updates and quotes that I post, send me a friend request.

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Jobs Doing Research

~~ Jean asks: You mention in the newsletter "Researcher." I'm a librarian at a research university and would love to do research. Since you mentioned it, I wondered if you knew any company that might be hiring researchers.

~~ I answered in part: My personal experience doing research has been through a temp agency. My assignments were researching documents at the courthouse. For a completely different type of research, my brother-in-law did seasonal potato research at an agricultural university.

~~ Read the longer version of my answer on the website.

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RVers Can Be Property Caretakers and Housesitters! 

There are empty homes in every state and country, and property owners are looking for trustworthy people to take care of their properties. The Caretaker Gazette contains property caretaking/housesitting openings in all 50 states and foreign countries. Many of our RVers park their rig in the homeowner's driveway or backyard, and either stay in their RV or enjoy living in a nice home. Published since 1983, subscribers receive 1,000+ property caretaking and housesitting opportunities each year, worldwide. Some of these caretaking and housesitting openings also offer compensation in addition to the free housing provided. Short, medium and long-term property caretaking assignments are in every issue. Online subscriptions: $29.95/year. The Caretaker Gazette, 2503 E Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Austin, TX 78702. (206) 462-1818. The Caretaker Gazette is published by Gary Dunn.

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Positive RVing Attitudes

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. ~ Denis Waitley

Live so that you wouldn’t be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~ Will Rogers

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If you like this e-zine, please do a friend a big favor and pass it forward.

If a friend did forward this to you, and if you like what you read, sign up for your own subscription. It is FREE. 

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Affiliate Disclaimer: One of the reasons we are able to provide you full access to the job listings, this newsletter, and the entire Workers On Wheels website without charging you for it is because we receive affiliate commissions and advertising fees. Website or e-zine links may go to these third parties.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise provide the addresses of our newsletter subscribers or web site visitors to others.

Coleen Sykora, Editor/Publisher
35555 Spur Hwy #281
Soldotna, AK 99669

(c) 2015 All Rights reserved

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