Workers On Wheels Newsletter #941 ~ December 14. 2014

Published: Sun, 12/14/14

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Workers On Wheels Newsletter #941 ~ December 14, 2014 
Read this issue on the website.

Workers On Wheels: Work For RVers and Campers website.

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Update from Your RV Workers On Wheels Newsletter Editor

Now that the winter season is underway, we're seeing an increase in job postings. You'll find summer 2015 seasonal positions listed here from Alaska to Arizona. If you are interested in driving farm tractor, truck, or forklift, be sure to look at the jobs available on the Minnesota sod farm.

I did some Christmas decorating this past week. One thing that always strikes me is how just a few changes in an RV make so much difference. In a small living space, it doesn't take much to add a festive, holiday feel. I probably go overboard. But, I love Christmas!

Remember, in between newsletters, you can find the newest job postings here.

Wherever you are in your work and travels, we wish you joy and prosperity,


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Working RVer Tip

Your resume and job application tell an employer many things about you -- things that you may not realize. For instance, if the Help Wanted ad tells you to call for more information, but you send an email instead, it tells the employer that you are not good at following directions.

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Jerky Makes a Great Gift for RVers

Consider giving jerky for Christmas. Meat eaters love it. Easy to ship. No refrigeration required. Inexpensive. Doesn't take up a lot of space or add much weight to the RV. Organic beef. Natural buffalo. Gluten free varieties. While you are at it, get yourself a couple of bags. To buy, or find out more about selling, delicious jerky, go here

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A Few of the Current Job Openings for RVers

Here are SOME -- not all -- of the most recently listed job openings. What you see here are just a few of those that we have listed on the website. Go to the Workers On Wheels website to see the full job listings -- including the contact information -- for hundreds of positions.

To find these job postings, along with all of the other Help Wanted ads that were posted so far this month -- December -- click here

To see the jobs posted last month, November, go to our Workers On Wheels website.

Find the jobs posted in October

You can also find archives of jobs listed in previous months.

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Ways RVers Make Money

Here's a sampling of work RVers are doing to cut their expenses, earn a living, and pay for their travels.

~ First aid technician
~ Pipeline welder
~ Computer technical support
~ Mini-storage management
~ Make and sell custom RV signs

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Ask the Workers On Wheels Editor - Who Will Give Us Our First Break?

Fran asks how you get started work camping without work camping experience. Besides my answer, we have some excellent replies from experienced work campers. Read more here.

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Earn Your Living with a Blog or Website

A blog or website is yet another way to earn a living without being tied to one location. Your blog can be about most anything. Picking a topic that you enjoy can make it seem more like fun than work. Still, you have to figure out a way to make money with it. If you'd like to see some examples of how of how others are going about it, see the case studies on SiteBuildIt!

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Work Wanted Ads and Resumes

RVers Seeking Work: Post your full resume on the Workers On Wheels website. There's no charge to you.

Employers, Business Owners, and Volunteer Coordinators: Find RVers looking for work There's no cost to you for this service.

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Ask the Workers On Wheels Editor - Motorhome Sales

Trish asks how much a person can make selling motorhomes. Some RV dealers do hire seasonal sales people. Read more here.

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Facebook Friends and Fans

Workers On Wheels now has an official Facebook page.

If you'd like more personal updates and quotes that I post, send me a friend request.

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Working RVer Tip

When looking for a campground job, look for indicators that you will fit in and be a match with the campground, as well as for the work duties.

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Another Location Independent Business for RVers

Bob and I have been working with this respected home business since 2005, though the company has been around since 1868 (yes, more than 140 years!). People love the vanilla, cinnamon, and pepper, the old time remedies, and the natural skin care products - and that makes it easy to sell. It's extremely flexible. You do as much or as little as you want -- no monthly minimums. And, you can work the business wherever your RV travels take you. 

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Positive RVing Attitudes

May you have the spirit of Christmas, which is peace; the gladness of Christmas, which is hope; and the heart of Christmas, which is love. ~ Unknown

Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance - each beautiful, unique and too soon gone. ~ Deborah Whipp

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If a friend did forward this to you, and if you like what you read, sign up for your own subscription. It is F R E E. 

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Affiliate Disclaimer: One of the reasons we are able to provide you full access to the job listings, this newsletter, and the entire Workers On Wheels website without charging you for it is because we receive affiliate commissions and advertising fees. Website or e-zine links may go to these third parties.

Privacy Policy: We do not sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise provide the addresses of our newsletter subscribers or web site visitors to others.

Coleen Sykora, Editor/Publisher
35555 Spur Hwy #281
Soldotna, AK 99669

(c) 2014 All Rights reserved

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